From 10 to 15 July, in Batumi (Georgia) for the 5TH consecutive year will take place the
R. Sikharulidze International Tournament in Artistic Gymnastics. Mrs. Sikharulidze is the World Champion, and at the moment she is the First Vice- President of the
Read more »საქართველოს ტანვარჯიშის სახეობათა ეროვნული ფედერაცია დაბადების დღეს ულოცავს ოლიმპიური კომიტეტის პრეზიდენტს, 1992 წლის ბარსელონის ოლიმპიური თამაშების ჩემპიონს, 1988 წლის სეულის ოლიმპიადის მეორე პრიზიორს, მსოფლიოს ხუთგზისადა ევროპის ოთხგზის ჩემპიონს თავისუფალ ჭიდაობაში : ბატონ ლერი ხაბელოვს.
უსურვებს მას ჯანმრთელობასა, წარმატებებს და წინსვლას.
მიმდინარე წლის 26-27 ივნისს ქ. თბილისში საქართველოს ტანვარჯისის სახეობათა ეროვნული ფედერაციის ხელმძღვანელობით ჩატარდა საქართველოს პირველობა სპორტულ ტანვარჯიშში. ტურნირი ჩატარდა დიღომში, ტანვარჯიშის ახალ არენაზე. დებულების თანახმად ვაჟებშიც და გოგონებშიც 5 თანრიგში ჩატარდა შეჯიბრება. ტურნირი დასრულდა შემდეგი შედეგებით:
Read more »Last week, 14-16 June, in Israel took place International tournament in Rhythmic Gymnastics
‘’Venera Cup2017’’ . At the tournament were competing individual gymnasts and the groups as well. Gymnastს were from the different countries and clubs, and among them were Georgian gymnasts.
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United Georgian Gymnastics Federation on 9TH May had celebrated 25TH anniversary. Anniversary had started at the ‘’VTB Arena’’ were had been invited : Mr. Tariel Khechikashvili—Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia, Mr. Leri Khabelov—President of Georgian National Olympic Committee , Mr. Emzar Zenaishvili—Secretary General of Georgian National Olympic Committee, Mrs. Nino Salukvadze—Vice President of Georgian National Olympic Committee , Mr. Mamuka Khabareli—Vice President of Georgian National Olympic Committee.
Read more »Last week, 20-23 April, United Georgian Gymnastics Federation, in Tbilisi , at the New Gymnastics Arena hold a national judges course for the Acrobatic gymnastics coaches and judges. The course was organized by the Vice-president of the federation Mrs. Inga Giorgobiani. Experts at the course were the international category judges in Acrobatic gymnastics:
Read more »Last week, 5-7 April, in Mogilev (Belarus) was held Olympic Champion S.Baitova Open Championships in Artistic gymnastics. Gymnasts from many countries were participating and among them were our gymnasts.
Our delegation consisted of gymnast: Dachi Dolidze 10 Years old from Tbilisi and his personal coach and International
Read more »From 29 January to 4 February 2017, in Moscow (Russia) was held an International course for the RG Judges, also, the same course was held in Kiev (Ukraine)
Every 4 year, after the Olympic Games, the FIG are holding the courses for the judges. On those courses the judges must pass tests in order to get an international category brevets.
Our Federation (UGGF),
Read more »On March 16-19 the FIG Artistic Gymnastics Individual Apparatus World Cup was held in Baku at the Milli Gimnastika Arenası (MGA, National Gymnastics Arena). In total, 85 men and 35 women from 21 countries participated at the Cup.
The first two days were Qualifications of the event followed by the Apparatus Finals on last two days. The men completed for 6 sets of medals, while women
Read more »From 14 to 18 February 2017, in Vinnitsa (Ukraine) was held an International course for the Acrobatic gymnastics Judges. After the ending of every Olympic Cycle, the FIG is holding the courses for the judges. On those courses the judges must pass the exam tests in order to get an international category brevets.
Read more »As you already know, for the first time in the history of the independent Georgia in Tbilisi from 11 to 16 FEBRUARY 2017 was held ’TRA/TUM/DMT FIG International judges’ course. Course was held in three disciplines : Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini-Trampoline. 55 judges from 11 countries had arrived to Tbilisi to participate at the course.
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