Today, the European Trampoline Gymnastics Championship ended in Portugal. On the last day, individual semi-final and final competitions were held in both senior and junior categories. In the morning, the boys and girls of our Junior team started competing in the semi-finals. They did a good job but unfortunately they didn't get enough points for the final. As for the Seniors, here we had three semi-finalists: Golovina, Ragimovi and Apakidze. Golovina and Apakidze passed this stage very well and reached the final where they joined the best 6 Europeans in the fight for medals. It is already a great success when 2 athletes from Georgia reached the finals of the European Championship. In the final, Anano Apakidze took the 5th place, and Luba Golovina took the 8th place. Let us remind you that this championship was very successful for our Trampoline gymnasts and we won 11 medals of all types. On the first day, the Junior team took the first team place: Nino Khoridze, Maia Bochoridze and Ana Lapiashvili. On the second day, Senior wmen team became vice-champions in the competition: Luba Golovina, Mariam Ragimov, Anano Apakidze and Teona Janjgava. On the third day, the gold medals of the synchronized Junior pair: Maia Bochoridze and Ana Lapiashvili. Senior Girls Synchronized Pair Bronze Medals on Day Four: Anano Apakidze and Mariam Ragimovi. We congratulate the Georgian Trampoline Gymnastics super team on this brilliant result and wish them future victories!
Read more »Today, at the current European Trampoline Championship in Portugal, it was the day of the junior (youth) synchronized pairs competition. Georgia was represented by: Ana Lapiashvili and Maia Bochoridze, while in boys: Luka Lomtatidze and Tsotne Chkhaidze. In the qualifying stage, the boys competed well and secured a place in the finals with 3rd place, while our girls beat everyone and reached the finals with the first place. In the final, our boys fought to the end and narrowly missed out on the third place and finished fourth. As for Anna and Maiko, they defended the synchronized medals they won at the previous European Championship and became European Champions again, the Azerbaijani couple came second, and the Polish couple came third. Let us remind you that our trampoline gymnasts won medals at the European Championship for the third day in a row: the first day - junior team gold, the second day - senior team silver, and today the junior synchronized jumping silver! We congratulate Anna and Maylia, their personal coaches, Mr. Zakaria Sulashvili-the head coach of Georgia in trampoline jumping, Mrs. Rusudan Khoperia and all of Georgia on this great victory!
Read more »დღეს, პორტუგალიაში მიმდინარე ევროპის ჩემპიონატზე ბატუტზე ხტომებში, იყო იუნიორი (ახალგაზრდული) ბატუტისტების სინქრონული წყვილების შეჯიბრის დღე. საქართველოს გოგონებში წარმოადგენდნენ: ანა ლაპიაშვილი და მაია ბოჭორიძე, ხოლო ვაჟებში : ლუკა ლომთათიძე და ცოტნე ჩხაიძე. საკვალიფიკაციო ეტაპზე ვაჟებმა კარგად იასპარეზეს და მე-3 ადგილით გაინაღდეს ადგილი ფინალში, ხოლო ჩვენმა გოგონებმა ყველას აჯობეს და პირველი ადილით მოხვდნენ ფინალში. ფინალში ჩვენ ვაჟებმა ბოლომდე იბრძოლეს და სულ ცოტა დააკლდათ მესამე ადგილის მოსაპოვებლად და მეოთხე ადგილს დასჯერდნენ. რაც შეეხება ანას და მაიკოს მათ წინა ევროპის ჩემპიონატზე მოგებული სინქრონული მედლები დაიცვეს და ისევ გახდნენ ევროპის ჩემპიონები, მეორეზე გავიდა აზერბაიჯანული წყვილი, ხოლო მესამეზე პოლონური. შეგახსენებთ რომ ჩვენი ბატუტისტები უკვე მესამე დღეა ზედიზედ იგებენ მედლებს ევროპის ჩემპიონატზე: პირველი დღე-იუნიორთა გუნდური ოქრო, მეორე დღე-სინიორების გუნდური ვერცხლი და დღეს იუნიორთა სინქრონული ვერცხლი! ვულოცავთ ანას და მაიას, მათ პერსონალურ მწვრთნელებს, საქართველოს ბატუტზე ხტომებში მთავარ მწვრთნელს ბატონ ზაქარია სულაშვილს, ქალბატონ რუსუდან ხოფერიას და სრულიად საქართველოს ამ კიდევ ერთ დიდ გამარჯვებას!
Read more »Just a few minures ago, the team competition of the European Championships in Trampoline Gymnastics between Seniors has ended in Portugal. Our girls who represented Georgia in this competition are: Luba Golovina, Mariam Ragimovi, Anano Apakidze and Teona Janjgava. The girls did well in the qualifying stage and got to the final with the first place. The final turned out to be very tense. The battle took place between us and the French national team. We were very close to winning and in the end we got silver medals! We congratulate our girls, their personal coaches, the head coach of the national team Mr. Zakaria Sulashvili, Mrs. Rusudan Kholeria and all of Georgia for this success!
Read more »Today, the European Trampoline Championship started in Portugal. Georgia won gold medals on the first day! Everything started with the WOMEN JUNIOR, team qualifying stage where competed our girs: Nino Koridze, Ana Lapiashvili and Maia Bochoridze. Our girls beat everyone in the qualification and won first place with 276.00 points. A few hours later, the final competition took place and here too our girls did not give up the place they won in the qualifying stage and won the gold medals! We congratulate the girls on this victory, we also congratulate their personal coaches, the head coach of the National team, Mr. Zakaria Sulashvili, Mrs. Rusudan Khoperia, and all of Georgia! We wish you future victories!
Read more »We received very happy news from the German city of Cottbus! Georgia joined the number of licensee countries of the Paris Olympic Games in Trampoline Gymnasyics. Three-time road Olympian (Beijing-2008, 2012, Rio-2016), European Games silver medalist Luba Golovina won a trip to Paris. This will be Luba's 4th Olympic Games. At last year's Trampoline World Championship, 8 Paris tickets were played. The remaining 7 licenses were drawn for five World Cups held in 2023-2024. Trampoline gymnasts from these five World Cups had the best 2 scores to qualify for a license. And based on the results of these five World Cups, Luba Golovina won one of the 7 places. We congratulate Luba on this great achievement! We also, congratulate on thos great result her personal coach Luda Golovina, Mr. Zakaria Sulashvili- the head coach of the Georgian national team in Trampoline Gymnastics, International category judge and team consultant-expert Ms. Rusudan Khoperia, United Georguan Gymnastics Federation, and whole Georgia! We wish good luck to Luba at the Paris Olympics!
Read more »Brazil and the city of Aracaju will become the capital of GYMNASTICS FOR ALL from 19 to 23 March 2024. The FIG GFA technical comittee and responsible members from 35 national gymnastics federations from 5 continents will participate at the colloquim. United Georgian Gymnastics Federation will be represented by the International Relations Manager and the Head of GFA discipline in Georgia Mr. Giorgi Gegetchkori. At the colloqium will be disscussed some very important points of developing GFAdiscipline world wild.
Read more »On behalf of the United Georgian Gymnastics Federation, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May 2024 Year bring peace, health, well-being, success and victories!
Sincerely: President: Konstantine Lashkhi United Georgian Gymnastics Federation
Read more »Today was held the 2023 awarding ceremony of the Georgian National Olympic Committee. In the nomination ,,Discovery of 2023 "Olympic Hope" (girl) was awarded a member of the Georgian national team in Trampoline Gymnastics!Mariam Ragimovi.
We congratulate Mariam on this success and wish her future success!
Read more »The Executive Committee Members, the Technical Committee Members, the Affiliated Federations.
The European Cup Series aims to present high-level competitions with new and exciting formats.
On the programme in 2024: ‘Cross battles’ in Rhythmic Gymnastics, knock-out rounds with gymnasts competing directly against another to reach the following stage.
This will be debuted in Baku (AZE), from 29 to 31 March 2024. Participation is open on a world-wide level for all FIG member federations in good standing. Prize money will be paid for this event.
Programme of the Rhythmic Gymnastics European Cup in Baku (AZE): Wednesday 27 March 2024 – Arrivals Thursday 28 March 2024 – Training Friday 29 March 2024 – Qualification for Seniors RGI (1-2 gymnasts per NF, min. 4 to max. 8 routines per NF) and RGG (with All-Around ranking) Saturday 30 March 2024:
• Qualification for Juniors RGI (1 - 4 gymnasts max. 4 routines per NF with team ranking of Juniors RGI, for NF participating with more than 1 gymnast)
• RGI Seniors – All-around - Cross battles (top 16, max. 2 per NF): Sunday 31 March 2024 – Apparatus finals:
• Apparatus Finals Juniors RGI, (top 8, max. 1 per NF)
• Apparatus Finals Senior RGI, (top 8, max. 1 per NF)
• Apparatus Finals Seniors RGG (top Monday 1 April 2024 – Departure The competition directives will be published shortly and the European Gymnastics Gymdata registration tool for the event will open on January 12th, 2024. Event deadlines: - Definitive entries: 01.02.2024 - Nominative entries: 29.02.2024 - Booking deadline with LOC: 09.02.2024 In the future, a series of competitions will be scheduled
Read more »Last Saturday, December 2nd, city of Tbilisi held the first Gymnastics For All festival. The United Georgian Gymnastics Federation started developing the discipline "Gymnastics for All" in 2019 and 3 international tournaments and two international seminars have already been held in Georgia. In addition, this year, for the first time, a team from Georgia participated in the international tournament held in Baku Azerbaijan). Anyone can participate in the GFA discipline, regardless of age, gender and whether he is a gymnast or an athlete. 52 teams (500 participants) from Tbilisi and different regions of Georgia took part in the December 2 festival. Both gymnastics clubs and dance learning centers participated. The Georgian RG Junior National group and the inclusive Zumba fitness show group, which included a person with the special needs, took part in the opening ceremony.
Read more »During the 30th European Gymnastics Congress, held on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 December 2023 in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, the General Assembly made the following decisions: Athletes and officials from Russia and Belarus are not allowed to return to European Gymnastics competitions. European Gymnastics does not follow the FIG decision published on 19 July 2023. The Reports of the President, the Technical Committee and Medical Commission Presidents were approved. Finances of 2022, the forecast for 2023, and the 2024 & 2025 budgets were discussed and approved. The updated Statutes were approved and
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