1-2 December 2017 in Split (Croatia) took place the UEG Congress. At the congress were presented all 50 member federations. Among them was our federation, presented by: Konstantin Lashkhi—President, Rusudan Khoperia –Secretary General, Rusudan Sikharulidze—The First Vice-President, Besarion Gamsakhurdia—Vice-President.
The congress heard the report for the last 4 year , and also were elected the new President and authorities.
Farid Gayibov is the new President of the European Union of Gymnastics (UEG) with 28 votes to 20 for Edvard Kolar. The Azerbaijani becomes the fifth UEG President and succeeds Frenchman Georges Guelzec who stands down after 8 years at the helm.
Joining the President in the Presidential Board are Rudolf Hediger (SUI), Michel Boutard (FRA) and Athanasios Vasileiadis while Mircea Apolzan (ROU), Erik Juhl Mogensen (DEN), Andrey Fedarau (BLR), Paolo Frising (LUX), Solveig Jonsdottir (ISL), Andrey Rodionenko (RUS) and Judit Körmendy-Ekes (HUN) will assist the discussions and decision making in the Executive Committee, in addition to the Technical Committee Presidents. Also here are the 8 Technical committees’ Presidents:
Men’s Technical Committee
Tom Thingvold (NOR) – President
Women’s Technical Committee
Anca Grigoras (ROU) – President
Rhythmic Gymnastics Technical Committee
Maria Petrova (BUL) – President
Trampoline Technical Committee
Vladimir Zeman (CZE) – President
Acrobatic Gymnastics Technical Committee
Carine Charlier (FRA) – President
Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee
Cristina Casentini (ITA) – President
TeamGym Technical Committee
Per Sjostrand (SWE) – President
Gymnastics for All Technical Committee
Hlif Thorgeirsdottir (ISL) – President
We congratulate Mr. Gayibov and wish him and to his team all the best.