29 April-2May in Sochi (Russia) taking place the 2021 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS in Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini-tramp. Among the best European teams are the Georgian National team of Seniors (Women) : LUBA GOLOVINA, TEONA JANJGAVA, ANA ODISHVILI, SOPHIO DASHNIANI, NANA GOGASHVILI and Juniors (Girls): ANA LAPIASHVILI, MAIA BOCHORIDZE, MARIAM SULTANOVA, MARIAM RAGIMOVI, ANANO APAKIDZE. Yesterday, our Juniors competed very well and they got the 5th place at the Team final, and also, three girls: BOCHORIDZE, APAKIDZE AND RAGIMOVI got places in the Semi-finals. Today, our Seniors also got to the Team finals, and three of them will participate at the Semi-finals: GOLOVINA, JANJGAVA AND DASHNIANI. Also, our Juniors and Seniors will participate in the Synchronise compettitions. So, there is more to come, and we hope our girls will fly more higher. Good luck