Last week, the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) in cooperation with the Gymnastics Federation of Serbia, organized a course for Gymnastics for All (GfA) in Novi Sad (Serbia).
The course was held at the Park Hotel in Novi Sad, with 26 participants from 14 countries of Europe and Africa taking part. The participants represented not just the countries where the GFA is implemented and working already , but countries were the GFA at the moment is just a good idea, and they have plans to start it in their countries.
The course was led by Mrs. Monika Siskova from Slovakia, Vice President of the FIG Technical Committee for GfA and Mr.Araki Tatsuo from Japan, member of FIG Technical Committee for GfA.
Gymnastics for All (GfA) is a non-competitive discipline, and has ‘’4 F’’ philosophy: fun, fitness, fundamental, friendship. Gymnastics for all is the base for all disciplines of gymnastics.
The course has a theoretical and also the practical parts. The experts explained all the concepts of GFA, and also the disciplines of the GFA. The representatives of the Federations also were given possibility to give a speech.
Among the others at the course had participated the Manager of the International Relations of our Federation Mr. Giorgi Gegetchkori. In his speech he mentioned that last year the Georgian government introduced a new strategy according to which gymnastics and sport in general should be practiced largely among the whole population of Georgia. Therefore, the United Gymnastics Federation addressed to the FIG with a kind request to help with the first steps in implementing the GFA in Georgia. And, the first step was attending the GFA course in Serbia. Also, Mr. Gegetchkori on behalf of the Federation has proposed to the FIG representatives to held next year the same course in Georgia, which would help to make one more step towards implementation of the GFA in Georgia.
In all, the course was very well organized and was very interesting both theoretical and practical parts.
We would like to thank the FIG, the experts: Ms. Monika Siskova, Mr. Araki Tatsuo, also, the President of the Gymnastics Federation of Serbia Ms. Ristic Aleksandra, the Federation, and of course to all the persons who were involved in the organization of the course , especially, a big thanks to Mr. Geza Mikes, for all the work and hospitality.