For the first time in the history of the independent Georgia in Tbilisi from 11 to 16 FEBRUARY 2017 was held ’TRA/TUM/DMT FIG International judges’ course. Course was held in three disciplines : Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini-Trampoline. 55 judges from 11 countries had arrived to Tbilisi to participate at the course. Also, at the course had participated Georgian Trampoline judges.
The course FIG Administrative Leader was : Mrs. Helena Dias, and the FIG Technical experts were: Nicolai Makarov and Tetiana Chuiska, and OC Administrative leaders were: Giorgi Gegetchkori and Lasha Gabashvili.
During the course judges had theoretical and practice exams. In case if judge passes both of the exams and gets the minimum scores he or she gets an International category brevet, and will be able to officiate at the FIG licensed International tournaments, Championships and some of them, even et the Olympic Games.
International and Intercontinental judges’ courses are held by the FIG after every Olympic cycle, and FIG chooses host countries for those courses. This year one of the chosen countries was Georgia. This happened because of our Federations’ hard work and meeting of the course’ standards, and especially due to the authority of our Federations’ President: Mr. Konstantin Lashkhi and Secretary General Mrs. Rusudan Khoperia, who is the one of the best Trampoline female judges in the World.
On the organization of the courses were working the whole staff of the UGGF and at every step the management was coordinated by the Secretary General Mrs. Rusudan Khoperia.
The course went very well and had received an ‘’Excellent’’ and ‘’Very Good’’ marks from the FIG Administrative leader and the Experts, and also, from the participated judges.
UNITED GEORGIAN GYMNASTICS FEDERATION would like to thank: the FIG, The course FIG Administrative Leader: Mrs. Helena Dias, and the FIG Technical experts : Nicolai Makarov and Tetiana Chuiska, and the Hotel ‘’Light House’’ administration and staff, and also every person who helped to held this course and to meet all the standarts.
And, of course, good luck to every judge with exam results!